Lesson learned from Flash - He is "Mischief" personified. Or is it "dogified"????
As I was running around the house this morning like a mad woman (typical for me on a weekday) getting everyone ready for school and work, I looked over at Cocoa, the most fantastic dog in the whole world. He was stretched out on the couch...totally oblivious to the the frenzied pace of all of us beginning our day. We also have a little Jack Russell puppy, who is NEVER relaxed. He, too, was running around like crazy. But not Cocoa. He would look at us every now and then, one eyebrow raised, and I think I saw him raise his head once. But he was content to just stretch a little and then just lay back down.
I decided to turn on the tree lights and put on some Christmas music to slow myself down. I poured another cup of coffee, and instantly I was a little more relaxed. Due to schedules and obligations, I wasn't able to join Cocoa in lying on the couch (although it's so cold and dreary outside it would have a perfect day to do so).
I thought about some of what I have learned from Cocoa. He defines the world "loyalty" - once you win him over, he's yours for life. I've learned to be playful. Nothing in life makes Cocoa happier than a ball or a frisbee...I mean he will retrieve for what seems like hours. Sometimes when I'm outside and don't really feel like playing, he will keep bringing me a ball or frisbee until I stop what I'm doing and play with him. The next thing I know, I'm laughing at his antics and we're having fun. I've also learned to just sit and enjoy another's company. Although Cocoa enjoys having his ears rubbed as much as the next dog, he's often content just to be near one of us. He'll often follow us around from room to room, or follow us around outside. No maintenance required during these times, just wanting to hang out. I've learned to be friendly with all that I meet. This past Halloween, we had trick or treaters stop by our house, and ask to see our lab. They didn't know Cocoa's name, but they had enjoyed watching him play outside and sit with us, and he had won them over with his personality. It made me wonder what impression I give to those around me during a normal course of the day. I've learned to be a caretaker. Cocoa seems to know when one of us is ill or simply feeling bad. He will give that person in the family his undivided attention, often laying in the bed or couch with you, his head on your lap, as if to say "it's okay, I'm here and you will feel better soon." During the night, I often hear his paws on the tile floor walking around and checking on all of us. He keeps a constant patrol guarding us.
Yep, Cocoa is a cool dog. He's not perfect, he can still get into mischief. Every now and then, he'll drink out of the toilet, or he'll get into the trash, or he'll dig up some of my beloved bulbs from the yard.
But the lessons I've learned from Cocoa are wonderful, and I'm so thankful for him.