The last few days I've thought about the friendships in my life, and how precious they are to me. Relationships with others should be nurtured - taken care of - tended to by us. We need to take the time to "feed" them.....with time, good communication (both talking with AND listening to), and encouragement.
So many of my friends have walked with me not only during the good and joyful times in life, but during the tough and dark times as well. A true friend won't flinch in a crisis...well, at least if they flinch, they still walk you through it!
My girls have made extremely wise choices in their friends, even at an early age. And they have nurtured their friendships with these people as well. As a result, they have some treasured people in their lives.
Just this past weekend, my youngest daughter, Lindsey, was surprised by one of her best friends who had to move to another state this summer, coming for a surprise visit. The screams and jumping of two 13 year olds was priceless. I took them out to dinner, and although I couldn't get a word in edge-wise, I had a great time marveling at the ease and speed with which they picked right up where they had left off. The next day, I made a 2.5 hour trip to the town where my oldest daughter, Casie, lives and goes to school. We had tickets to see Wicked with two dear friends...a mother/daughter friendship from years ago when we lived in the same town together. These girls have kept in touch since we left that town in 5th grade...and they are both graduating college. Sara, the mom, and I have kept in touch also. The four of us managed to pick right back up where we left off.
Friendships are special gems in our lives. We are created to interact with others...and there is a void in our lives when we don't do so.
I'm so grateful for the friends I they old ones, new ones, ones here in my hometown, or ones far away. Whether I am able to chat over a cup of coffee or tea, or am only able to correspond and talk with over the phone...I'm thankful for each and every one of you.