With summer vacation wrapping up soon, both of my girls are getting ready for the upcoming semester. Casie, the oldest, is winding down a summer session at her university, and about to begin her last fall semester of undergraduate school. Lindsey, my "baby", is about to begin her first year of junior high.
Whenever we begin the tasks of completing schedules, tuition, teacher meetings, book buying and school supplies; I always find myself waxing nostalgic over the years and being simply amazed at how quickly the years go by. The first picture you see is one of Casie in high school, and Linds was in elementary school. (Go ahead and groan...they did. I always made them pose for "1st day of school" pictures) The second picture is a current one from this year, on a day when Lindsey was going to a semi formal and Casie had come home to help her get ready.
There is a 9 year age difference in my girls....not necessarily planned by us, but just the way that God designed our family. In the very beginning, I worried that the girls would not be emotionally close due to the age difference. I had a very precious friend who was exactly 9 years older than her sister, and shared with me how close the two of them were. I was also reassured by my mother and her relationship with her younger sister - there is 10 years between them and they are close also.
My girls are very tight. They have a bond that is just precious to behold. That doesn't mean there aren't arguments or rolled eyes. Trust me, they can push each other's buttons. But they are fiercely loyal and protective of one another, and they each love and accept the other one unconditionally.
It's been a tough time for the girls. If I could have kept them from the pain of our family dynamics changing, I would have. Much deeper than my own pain has been seeing the pain they feel. But during those times, I remind myself that just as I feel God's healing when I am in pain, so do they. And one thing my girls are learning is that God is ALWAYS there. It's not just a churchy saying or cliche, it's true. We are living it. They are able to see that God doesn't shy away from our pain, anger or confusion. He walks us through it, and when we allow Him, He shows us the way and we are able to see that He has a plan for us to get through it all. While our home has had alot of tears and sadness, there has remained alot of laughter and joy. It's amazing how our Lord makes that happen...but He does. My girls have learned the blessing of God's faithfulness.
Another blessing of tough times is that they bring you closer, if you allow yourself to be real with one another. We are very real. And we are very close.
They are amazing young women, and I am so glad that I was chosen to be their mom. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll look over a few more pictures.
Today I am grateful for:
1. Casie and Lindsey.
2. The relationship they share.
3. Our past, present and future.