We had a wonderful weekend weather-wise here, and it was a JOY to be able to run out into the backyard and settle into my favorite spot....the hammock.
The hammock where this summer I shed many tears, prayed many prayers, found healing, did some great soul searching, reading, talking to friends on the phone, and spent "girl time" with my daughters.
The backyard is far from pretty....no signs of green yet. But I did refill the bird feeders and found delight in all my feathered friends swooping in for a meal. Even though my grass is brown and my trees are bare, and the yard has that really depressing winter look to it....I found such joy and tranquility in my outdoor respite.
I didn't relax long in the hammock - Casie was home from college, Andy was around, and Lindsey had friends over all weekend...but I did manage to squeeze in a few minutes on both Saturday and Sunday. Enough for some wonderful time with God.....talking to Him, but mainly listening.
Maybe that is one reason I love the hammock so much. I seem to LISTEN better to the voice of God when I am in that spot. There are no distractions, and for some reason, my soul just seems to find rest quickly when I am there.
I am looking forward to more warm days and the upcoming spring. I am looking forward to my hammock time.