It's early Sunday evening, and I'm not quite ready for the weekend to be wrapping up. The house is really quiet again. Casie has left to go back to her apt and summer classes, Linds is still in Oklahoma with family friends, and I've booted the 2 family canines out to the backyard for awhile.
Early this morning, as I was reading "Walking with God on the Road You Never Wanted to Travel", I came to a chapter entitled "Enjoy Every Oasis". It's a great chapter, one that basically tells us as we walk through a desert in life, God WILL provides oases along the way, and we are to ENJOY these refreshing times. Often our difficult roads will be long ones, and I can certainly testify to that, as I am walking a long one myself right now. I can also testify to the oases that are provided. The author categorizes 4 types of oases: refreshing seasons, refreshing servants, refreshing scriptures, and our refreshing Savior.
I spent a short time in my hammock today, reflecting on these oases. Often for me, an oasis will come along in the form of relationships. People will offer me encouragement that just refreshes me and enables me to rest awhile, enjoy the encouragement and then get back on the road.
This week, I was blessed to have a blogging friend send me an encouraging gift along with a sweet note in the mail. My boss, knowing my addiction to unsweetened tea from Sonic (and a cup of extra ice) bought me one on Friday. The ladies in my small group got together this week for the first time this summer and we shared dinner together and laughed until we cried. My mom, knowing I don't have money for the "extras" right now, sent me enough to "go have my hair did" as they say around here. A color and a cut can do wonders for your spirit! My hair appointment has been scheduled.
All of these gestures and events provided me with encouragement and refreshing. I'm so thankful for people who reach out. And as I walk through this desert road, I want to remember Proverbs 11: 25 - 'Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed." I hope that I recognize when others need that touch of a refreshing oasis in the middle of their desert, and I hope I respond.
Today I am grateful for:
1. Deserts....without them, would I know an oasis?
2. glad that God provides them along our journey.
3. Encouragers.