I've managed to last one week in my 2009 endeavor towards better health. My focus is to make this year THE year....the year of positive change in my health.
I'm trying hard not to be a slave to the scales in my bathroom. I find myself feeling defeated so quickly and ready to throw in the towel when the scales don't show progress as I think they should. When I adhere to a program, I expect to see more than a .2 lb weight loss over a week. However, I've learned throughout the years that any progress, no matter how small, is better than no progress.
Knowing my propensity for self-sabotage and surrender, I'm making it a point to not step on the scales very often. Hopefully, I'll be able to see my progress in the way that I feel and in the way that I look. Maybe trying it this way will help me to stay focused on simply trying to live a healthier lifestyle.
Besides, it was getting awfully painful trying to either balance myself on one leg or stand real far back on the scales.