Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Moving Forward

As you know if you read my blog or are in my life in any other way, I am on a journey. It's a journey that is unknown for me, and there are times I feel overwhelmed, fearful and full of worry. Actually, those are just three of many different emotions that sometimes assault me.

My faith has grown so much deeper and stronger as a result of the journey I am on. However, the growth of my faith doesn't stop the worries and fears that can pop up in the middle of the day or night.

One of the most valuable lessons I have learned is to not allow myself to get stuck during these times, but to simply keep moving forward. Putting one foot in front of the other, even if I don't quite know what direction I am heading. Not to say that I have never BEEN stuck, because I have. But I'm learning to avoid that, and if I do find myself stuck, to get out of it quickly. Again, put one foot in front of the other.

God hasn't given me a crystal ball to see into my future (and not for lack of asking on my part). He simply tells me to trust and to move forward.

I can't see what's ahead of me, and it's hard not to get distracted with all the emotional upheaval and the practical worries around me.

But everytime I do trust and move forward, I find that He is there. He has already gone ahead of me.

Today I am grateful for:

1. Moving forward

2. Not getting stuck...at least for not too long.

3. Knowing that God is going before me.