Friday, October 24, 2008


I wish I had the opportunity for a costume for myself this Halloween. I think I'd like to go as the "Unsinkable Molly Brown". She survived the disaster of the Titanic, and was stuck with that nickname. From what I have read, she was quite a feisty gal.

I've had the kind of year where God has carried me through, and shown me that WITH Him, I am unsinkable.

I have made choices and decisions in my life which have led to consequences that haven't been so great. I've carried around alot of baggage as a result. Baggage that would normally sink a person. And I was sinking. I would tread water and stay afloat for awhile, but eventually I would tire and begin to sink. The baggage grew heavier and heavier.

There have been many times in my adult life that God has tried to show me that the baggage can be thrown overboard. And I would do that...only to jump back in the water, retrieve it, and struggle some more.

This year, I realized that I'm tired of being weighed down. I'm ready to throw it all away. It's some strange ironic sense, there's comfort in holding onto my baggage. It's a little frightening to release it. But with EVERY piece of baggage I throw overboard (and allow to be swept away, and not try to jump in to retrieve it) there is an INCREDIBLE freedom.

I'm realizing that I'm unsinkable. At long as I'm letting God keep me afloat. And as long as I allow Him to throw the baggage overboard. It's hard to release my fingers clench tightly to some of the stuff I carry.

Quoting Anne Lamotte again: "Sometimes grace works like waterwings when you feel you are sinking." I want to be aware of and embrace God's grace. I want His grace to be my waterwings.

I want to be unsinkable. So I'm going to continue letting go.

1 comment:

VBates said...

I'm an official blog follower now. Keep up the good writing! :)