Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I love the way that God knows what we need even before we do sometimes. I woke up this morning in a great mood, full of optimism and eager to start the day. I didn't really know I would need encouragement this day (although I'm a big believer in the power of encouragement and would never think that I didn't need it).

However, all throughout this day, I have been blessed by the people around me. I had wonderful conversations with both of my daughters, I had a call from a person dear to my heart, I was encouraged and uplifted by two different blogs that I follow, I received uplifting words via text, facebook posts, emails and good old fashioned snail mail. A couple of unexpected acts of kindness today brought me to tears. Work was rewarding, demanding and full of laughter today, conversations shared with my best friend and coworker, as well as my boss.

I almost began to get suspicious...wondering "what was up"...which makes me chuckle now. Because I realize that what was up is that my Heavenly Father was letting me know that it is okay to be happy again.

Over the last year, I have really experienced the difference between joy and happiness...something I've always known, but I have lived it this past year. Happiness is circumstantial is the calm and serenity we feel even in the midst of a storm. I have had lots of joy on my journey, but the happiness, while not gone, has been harder to come by. There are even times I feel guilty when I find some happiness, because I had grown accustomed to the pain.

God knew when I woke up this morning that I needed this extra dose of "happy" today....and so, even though I was in the best of moods, He prompted so many people to reach out to me, and they responded.

Good friends, good family, good words, good deeds....all blessings from my Wonderful Lord. May I always be open to responding to God's nudging of me when encouragement is needed by those that I love.

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