Sunday, August 22, 2010

Two Way Street

One thing that is amazing about encouragement is that it is a two way street. If we choose to be encouragers to those around us, we are assured of God's blessing. When we open our eyes and hearts to people, pay attention to what is going on in their lives, and respond to God's urging of encouragement (you know, that little tap on the shoulder or nudging in your heart) we are showing God that we care about His children. That makes our Father smile.

Usually I have found that people are open to encouragement. Sometimes, however, there is so much pain or anger that they aren't quite ready, so we make ourselves vulnerable when we reach out. The initial reaction to our encouragement may not be well received...but God will still find a way to bless us for our effort.

Sometimes an amazing thing happens, and that is when we are encouraging to another, the person we reached out to ends up encouraging us right back. That is what happened to me last night with a friend, and it was, in the words of another friend, truly "a God thing". The two-way street in action. We both felt lifted up and loved.

Today I am thankful for encouragement - both given and received.

1 comment:

Jayne said...

Sometimes those little words of encouragement can make a world of difference. :c)