It's Saturday night, and as I sit in my room reading and typing, I am listening to the giggles of two 13 year olds girls in my living room. It's a sound that I love dearly, although when it's past midnight, there are times I have to ask that giggles be held to a whisper. I remember being a teenager and how much fun I had with my girlfriends when they came over. So, the sounds bouncing off my walls tonight are a good sound.
It's been a different sort of week, and a tough week. First and foremost in my heart and on my mind, is one of my dearest and most precious friends in the world. She has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, and an agressive one. In the time span of little more than a week, her life has been turned upside down. I have never felt more inadequate as a friend. But we have talked, cried together AND laughed together this week. There is alot of power in being able to do both...the crying and laughing with someone you love dearly. She goes in for surgery on Monday morning, and then will be going through both radiation and chemo later. I wish she wasn't traveling this road, but here she is. She and her family have a vast network of friends and supporters, and they are being lifted up in prayers from all over. She is handling this with an amazing strength and a wonderfully positive attitude. She has been a hero to me this week, although she wouldn't really like that tag on her. But she's really quite a gal.
DivorceRecovery is going well, although it is difficult. I'm learning alot. And I've had alot of ways this week to practice what I am learning. Let's just hasn't been an easy week. But onward we go, and I'm glad that onward is the direction I am moving.
My small group of bible study gals started back up for the fall. We are studying Galatians. We met on Thursday, had a nice meal of salad, baked potato and a fabulous dessert. The fellowship was wonderful, and I'm looking forward to our weekly time together. I will miss a couple of weeks due to the privilege of watching Lindsey play in the junior high band, but I will gladly miss for that reason. I'm so proud of the accomplishments in both girls.
As I wrap up this week, I find myself tired from all the worry and emotion over my friend and her cancer. And then I remind myself, "if I'm this tired...imagine how SHE must feel, the person actually living through it." I want to be the kind of friend and support to her that she has always been to this is not the time for me to be emotionally tired.
As for the rest of my worries and stresses from this week, I listen again to the giggles coming from the next room. I am so blessed, and the giggles remind me of that.
Tomorrow begins a new week....and onward we all go!
1 comment:
Why does it seem the older we get, the more we find out really bad things about people we love and care about? I suppose because the longer we live, the greater the chances? Still... so sorry for your dear friend, and for the road she must now travel. In times like these, you have to get passed the fact it's happened and focus on moving forward through it. I know she will be so uplifted by your support and presence in her life.
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