Saturday, October 9, 2010


It's been almost a week since my last blog post...and although I haven't been writing, I've certainly been living, thinking, feeling, and reflecting.

It's hard to put into words a description of the past week. My precious friend, Vicki, came back to work after her surgery and is now dealing with the reality of life with cancer. She doesn't know how to "be" a woman diagnosed with breast cancer. We (all her friends and family) keep asking her what she needs and what can we do, and she tells me she doesn't know what to say at this point...and I'm getting that. She's still processing all of this herself, and this cancer train pulled out of the station very quickly and it is rolling along. She told me she feels so out of control, and I can only imagine.

As she has dealt with the reality of this new journey, she is coming back to work, she is adapting to new bits of information being thrown at her almost everyday, she is going to doctors, experiencing discomfort, facing the reality of how tough her upcoming battle is. She has started a website on so that she can journal and people keep up with her. She is dealing with a vast array of emotions as this new reality sets in. She is positive...she is full of courage and hope. We have cried....buckets. We have laughed till our sides hurt. We have hugged and we have been angry. Today she is wig shopping. Her chemo doctor informed her this week that with her type of chemo her hair will fall out rather quickly. I know she is angry on one hand that this is how she is spending her Saturday....on the other hand, she is with her two college aged daughters and her wonderful hubby and they are having fun and making the best of it. They just sent two pics of her modeling wigs to my cellphone...and I laughed. She will choose one close to her original hair, but she is certainly going to have fun trying on some wild and crazy wigs.

As I have reflected this week, I have thought about friends and family. It's really what life is all about. The people we love are what matter. So many of the other things we spend our time and attention don't really matter when it gets right down to it. My thoughts and feelings have been spent this week thinking about those that I love. And realizing that I want to make sure that I always let these people know how special they are to me.

I want to be a better mom, Christian, friend, daughter, sister, and woman. I want to enjoy life and savor those relationships I am blessed with. I want to heal, to recover, to find confidence as a single mom and woman. I want to grow from my own life's journey. I want to help my girls realize that no matter what life throws our it divorce, tragedy, cancer, changed dreams, financial loss, failures, death of loved ones, illness, or any of the other unexpected curves that life can deal us....that with a strong faith in God, with a group of people who love and support you, and with a strength of character you CAN face it. I want to be a person who will walk with others on their tough journeys and not shy away.

And for now, I want my friend Vicki to know how brave and courageous I think she is. I want her to know that I hurt with her and I am mad with her. I am also hopeful and positive with her. I feel ready to charge into battle with her. She is a beautiful and strong woman, and I am honored to be her friend.

1 comment:

Jayne said...

What a beautiful post Tracy. I am not someone who can easily accept help, so I imagine I'd be horrible to "help" if something like this happened to me. People would be so well meaning and yet I wouldn't have a clue as to how to tell them exactly what I need the most. THAT would be a big part of the journey for me. I know Vicki is lucky to be surrounded by so many people who are loving her and praying her through this.