Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I'm a book lover, and often have my nose in more than one book at a time. You will find not only books in my bookcases, but on my nightstand, my tables in the living room, even my desk drawer at the office.
I have two book in my office right now - one on encouragment and team building, and one on confidence. They are both the types of books that you might go to more than once, as I have with both of these.
Today, as I was re-reading a portion of one of these books, I came across a section titled "You Believe What you Focus On". That got me to realizing that for me, focus is something I need to re-evaluate more frequently than I do. It's very easy to fall into the trap of focusing on the wrong things. Sometimes, I'm not even aware of where my focus has shifted unless I really take the time to just be still and do a little self-examination.
With Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner, I want to make sure that my focus is where it needs to be. So, I'm turning the lens of honesty towards my own soul and mind today, and I'm zooming in. I'm going to figure out where my focus REALLY is, and if I need to adjust, I'm hoping I'm honest enough to do just that.

1 comment:

Jayne said...

Another version is that whatever you choose to focus on only gets bigger and bigger, which is why we must keep ourselves from too much negative thinking and focus for sure. :c)