Today is Ash Wednesday, a day of repentence and recognizing the need for forgiveness, also-the beginning of the Lenten season, a time of prayer and reflecting on the sacrifice of Christ, and the anticipation towards the Resurrection. Growing up Southern Baptist, I was pretty naive on worship, liturgical rites and practices within other Christian denominations...well into my early 20s, I'm ashamed to say. My home church didn't have an Ash Wednesday service, and very few practiced observing Lent. Nowadays, I know many Baptists who observe Lent.
I wake up now each Ash Wednesday, smiling and chuckling over the year that I said to a co-worker "Oh come here, you've got some dirt smudged on your forehead" as I tried to wipe it off. The look on her face was priceless as she explained Ash Wednesday to me, and I'll never forget the group around us with their jaws agape (over my ignorance). She didn't run away from my friendship (thankfully) and we're still friends today (if only on Facebook because we live in different towns). In my defense, I think her cross of ashes may have been a little smudged...but really, there is no defense. I was just ignorant.
I remember that year realizing I had alot of learning to do about the diversity of Christian worship....and so I began to pay more attention to the different ways my friends worshipped, and it has been a rich and rewarding experience as I have grown. I have been in a small group of ladies for several years now, and we are diverse...yet the same. We are different ages, come from different backgrounds, are at various lifestages, worship in different denominations. And yet, we come together and we share, we study and we grow. We also laugh hyserterically and at the same time are comfortable with one another's tears. We rejoice together and we mourn together. We lift each other up. We strive to be more Christlike together. We recognize each other's humanity, struggles and fears, and we just seem to embrace one another all the more. I have grown tremendously from the different perspectives we all bring to the group when we do a study. They challenge me and bless me continually.
So today, I have my Ash Wednesday smile as I remember the year I realized I had alot to learn. And I smile bigger still, because one thing age and life has taught me, is that I STILL have alot to learn. Let me re-emphasize...STILL ALOT TO LEARN. I certainly don't have it all together, I'm often a mess. I've also been reflecting this morning on areas in my life in which I need repentance and forgiveness.Hmmm..there's ALOT there too. I'm thankful for this season of sacrifice and for the ultimate sacrifice of Christ...I am thankful that God is a God of renewal and forgiveness...of second and third and fourth (and so on and so on) chances. I am thankful for FORGIVENESS, GRACE and MERCY...and I am thankful for all of my "soul sistahs", near and far, ones from my past and my current ones, who have helped me grow by showing me that diversity can lead to unity in Christ.
1 comment:
Well written as always. I love it that God gives us such diversity in the midst of our sameness. It's good to know that He knows our hearts whether we're Catholic, Baptist, Methodist or Presbyterian, regardless of the ritual.
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