It's early Friday morning and I am rearranging the living room. Not necessarily a smart thing to be doing on a school/work morning, but there you go. I do things like this when I get what I call "the itch". The last time I rearranged the living room was last April. I had to move things around to make room for the Christmas tree, and I have simply never moved the furniture back around after taking the tree down.
I woke up this morning with "the itch" and decided that there was no way I could concentrate at work if I didn't get this done. Plus, there is something satisfying and fun about rearranging furniture. Just moving something can make it look new and fresh. I like finding a new space for something I've had awhile. A little bit of creativity always comes out.
Of course, Cocoa and Flash are quite cranky about the whole thing. They don't quite understand all the movement, and usually end up growling and then leaving the room. Since they were both sleeping on the couch when I woke up, I don't think they cared one teeny tiny bit about my yearning to get the furniture moved. I was disturbing their morning routine. (which I apologized for, as I don't like my morning routine changed either).
As I began moving the couch, the symbolism of what I was doing struck me. I am doing some "rearranging" within myself as well. I am just beginning a physical overhaul.....exercising and eating right. This is Day 5. I have been working on myself emotionally, spiritually, and mentally over the past year and half. Over the holidays, I became extremely involved in the hustle and bustle of the season, neglecting the care of myself. It began to show. So, I have spent the past week getting myself back on track and in line with the goals I set for myself.
Since I'm back to rearranging in my own life, maybe that's why I woke up with "the itch" this morning to do the furniture rearranging. As I was moving the furniture around, you'd be amazed at how much "junk" I found under the furniture. Dust, a lost item or two, etc. It made me think of when I allow God to do rearranging within my soul......all the junk He finds. And how He dusts me off, restores something "lost" I've been missing or says "This is actually trash....going in the garbage now." It's all so comforting. And refreshing!!!
He can get creative with us as well when we allow Him. Just as I began to feel creativity flow when I move my stuff around a room, allowing God to move stuff within my own soul allows Him to be creative within us and use us in the way He designed. Just as my old furniture can look new, when I allow God to work on this weary stumbling 45 year old chick, I can become new and refreshed.
I'm glad that I'm doing just the furniture rearranging and letting God do the other rearranging in my life. As a matter of fact, I need to tackle other rooms of furniture, and I need to ask God what other areas in my life He needs to move around.
And then relax a little and let His creativity flow.....
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