Tuesday, January 6, 2009


A favorite verse of mine...."Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28.

The Father isn't promising to take away my problems or to give me answers right away, or answers at all.

What He IS promising is to give me rest.

I've had a year of weariness and burden. I've felt overwhelmed most of the past year.....overwhelmed by life and all of it's problems. Thankfully, I've felt God's presence with me every tired and weary step. I've felt His hand guiding me through all the murky waters. So, although I've felt overwhelmed and flat out exhausted, I've never felt like I wanted to give up on life or the people in it. Quite the contrary, God has given me an incredible gift...the gift of hope and grace. In the middle of alot of pain and confusion, I've experienced an incredible clarity. The kind that only comes from the Father.

The last month I've found the weariness and burdens creeping up on me again. I had a minor meltdown a couple of days ago where I pounded my fists and cried (all while driving, so I'm sure my fellow drivers around me probably thought I was losing it and got far away from the crazy lady driving the white minivan).

In the middle of my tears and ranting, peace flowed over me yet once again. I felt God's arms open wide and beckon me to come to Him and lay my head on His shoulder. I felt the comfort of being surrounded by a big bear hug and the reassurance of knowing that I am safe in His arms.

He was giving me rest. And it was exactly what I needed.

God is good.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Praying for you today. The valleys are necessary, you know....builds your strength to conquer and enjoy the next mountain. Then you get to stop and stare and - as my dad used to say - ride it for all it's worth...