Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New Path

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be." Douglas Adams

When I married 23 years ago, I fully intended for it to be a one time event. I never foresaw that my marriage would be one of the many that end in divorce. I never thought our family would shatter.

However, it did. Wounds have been inflicted and lives forever altered. But, through the miracle of God's faithfulness and grace....we are beginning to heal.

We never intended to go down this road, but here we are. On a journey that has included alot of pain, but also an incredible amount of love and hope.

The old and familiar is being replaced with the new and the unknown. Some relationships are transforming, being introduced...others are staying the same in their faithfulness even in the face of change, but with renewed commitment to the continuation of always "being there" for one another.

No...I would not have chosen a path this painful. I would've avoided the storms of life if I could have. But without pain, there is no healing. Without trials, blessings are often not recognized. Without the understanding of loss, there is no compassion. Without failures, successess go unnoticed. Again, I would not have chosen to go down this path. But now that I have, I realize this is where I need to be. Hopefully...a person with a deeper love, understanding and compassion for those around me. Hopefully, a more faithful servant to my Lord. Hopefully, a better mother, daughter, sister, friend and woman... this much improved emotional and spiritual place is exactly where I intended to be.