Monday, March 21, 2011

More Than a Song

I had a wonderful Saturday hanging out with my oldest daughter, Casie.  We went to Wye Mountain, where a small country church has planted thousands and thousands of daffodils on their hillside.  It's open to the public to walk around and take pictures.  It was a gorgeous sunny spring day, and we enjoyed both the drive and the outdoors.  We had time for wonderful mom/daughter talks...topics ranging from serious to funny to the frivolous (the cute fashions this spring).  I kept hoping the radio would play a song I had been telling her about, but KLOVE must  have played it each time we were out of the car, because we never heard it on the drive.

Is there a song that really grabs you?  Music does that for me alot, and I like several different genres. If you listened to my cds, iPod playlist, or followed my XM activity - you would think I have multiple personalities when it comes to music.  I can go from Michael Buble to Aerosmith to Allison Krause to Casting Crowns to Rod Stewart to Sugarland without batting an eye.  And don't forget Motown or the Broadway showtunes!  So many times, a song is more than "just" a song to us. It touches us so deeply, we listen or sing along to it as if it were intended for us - to tell our story, or to tell how we feel.   One that has really touched me the last couple of weeks is a Christian song. If you haven't heard the song "Blessings" by Laura Story, you need to listen to it on her website, KLOVE, or youtube.  This song has touched me in such a personal and intense way, as I'm sure it has many.  It's just that kind of song....grabs you by the heart.

The lyrics are so powerful and true...especially the chorus:

'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights 
are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?

These lyrics move's that simple.  I've had more tears and sleepless nights than I can count...but I've also had more blessings and mercies than I can count as well.  We all go through times and events in life that devastate us...and we may wonder if the pain or the trial will ever go away.  One wonderful thing I have experienced over and over is that yes, the pains in life run deep....BUT God's blessings, healing, nearness and mercies run even deeper still. 
I'm in awe of God's provision for us.