Monday, October 11, 2010


I've been spending alot of time in the Psalms lately, as I tend to do frequently at various times in my life. A verse that has struck me today is "Give me understanding that I may live" Psalm 119:144.

There's alot going on my world that I don't understand right now....within my own life and also within the lives of others around me.

While my trust in others is something that has been shaken, my trust in the Lord just continues to grow...the roots going deeper and the trust becoming more solid. And I have realized over the last three years that there will be many times I will not understand, but will need to continue to trust. And I have become better at that. Not perfect, but better.

But I find myself today praying and thinking on the verse in Psalm 119. I do wish for some understanding on things. And as the second part of the verse says "that I may live"...I think some understanding will help me as I am on this wondrous journey of life.

I do believe the understanding will come. It always has before. But it may not come in the timeframe that I want it again, I will trust. I will trust that God's timing is perfect, and that the understanding will come to me at the exact time that it needs to.